Graduate Success Story – Alexei Dale
“My Applied Scholastics high school program has been an amazing experience. I have learned so much and have been able to put everything into practical application…
“My Applied Scholastics high school program has been an amazing experience. I have learned so much and have been able to put everything into practical application…
by Carlynn McCormick “Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.”Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, author of The Scientist Speculates In our high-tech society, the ability to research is vital to success. Yet many schools never teach it and even when they do, they usually overlook the simplest and most primary undercut:…
“I am very excited about the help I received with my daughter’s home school program at Applied Scholastics Online Academy. Earlier we had gotten to a point where she was no longer willing to read from her book. I tried many different things with her, but she would not budge and I had no idea…
Did you notice how excited first graders are to attend school? How they take great pride in their new notebooks? How they make certain that their pencils are sharpened to perfection? How particular they are about their back-packs, their clothes, and how anxious they are to arrive at school on time? What happened to…
My time studying and learning with Applied Scholastics Online Academy has been totally profound! I have constantly been opened up to different study techniques, ways to improve my vocabulary, methods for tackling mathematics, secrets to becoming financially successful. Each subject has been so unique, but similar at the same time in the sense that…
I like home study a lot! I have had a lot of success being home schooled. One of my successes has been my dictionary course. I am able to use a dictionary. Also I can see and clear up a misunderstood word. Another success I’ve had is my math. I am already on multiplication…