First Aid and Emergencies


Learn to handle simple wounds, bites and stings, burns, foreign matter in eye, sprains, and heat and cold emergencies.


Every student should know the basic first aid skills which this course teaches. The student learns how to handle simple wounds and bleeding, puncture wounds, bites and stings by insects, minor burns, animal bites, foreign matter in eye, skin poisoning from plants, sprains, and handling of heat and cold emergencies. The second part of the course deals with preparing for and handling emergencies in the environment, including fires at home (escape plan, fire rescues, putting out fires), electrical hazards, rescue from drowning, and what to do in case of tornados, earthquakes and lightning. The course gives lots of practice with the correct steps to be taken to handle each emergency until the student is sure about what to do in each case.

Includes Learning Guide by Heron